© COPYRIGHT 2020 International Education Institute, ATTN: Ken Harvey, President, 5426 N. Road 68, Suite D189, Pasco WA 99301-5268, USA. Phone: 1 509 396 6821.

The International Education Institute was founded in 2003 to produce educational and informational products online and offline. It is now creating a network of thousands of online public service TV channels. Contact us at:

U.S. Phone Number: 1 509 396 6821
Skype: Eduken3
Other websites:

- http://Virtual-University.us

- http://Virtual-Institute.us

- http://CitizenNews-Comments.com

- http://IEI-TV.net

About IEI President Ken Harvey, PhD -  see http://Virtual-Institute.us/Ken
Last modified: Tuesday, 7 March 2023, 8:07 AM