As an enrolled student of Virtual University, you have access to our database of thousands of internships. However, you cannot use this database to essentially spam potential employers. If you do, you will not only lose access to our growing database, but you will also lose your position at Virtual University. At least 5 days before contacting anyone in our database you must send an email to and tell us exactly whom you wish to contact. This is required, first, so that we don't have too many students contacting any one employer. But, second, we plan to create a kind of "intern auction" that will encourage employers to "bid" on how much they will pay (if anything) for the services of our interns. The more internships you serve and the better letters of recommendation you receive, the more likely you will be paid more in your next internship. Therefore, we want to make sure that you are properly prepared to put your best foot forward when you make any contacts. Thanks.